Once upon a time, a curious and mischievous cat named Wiggle lived. Wiggle was always on the prowl for something exciting and new to explore. But one thing that Wiggle loved more than anything else was food! Wiggle had a particular fondness for fish and could often be found meowing and begging at the door of the local fishmonger. Being a kind soul, the fishmonger always gave Wiggle a treat when he saw her.

One day, Wiggle decided it was time to explore further afield and see what other exciting food would be. So she set off on her journey, exploring all the alleyways and side streets in search of something new and delicious.

At the end of one alleyway, Wiggle stumbled across a small shop with the most amazing smells emanating from within. She peered through the window and saw various types of meat, slices of cheese, and a selection of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Wiggle couldn’t believe her luck and quickly dashed inside. As she was about to sample the different foods magically, she stopped because the food did not belong to her, and she needed the owner’s permission to proceed. O, I thought I was in heaven she exclaimed. After a few hours, she went through the entire shop and left without making a mess.

Seeing Wiggle’s enthusiasm for food, the shopkeeper decided to make her a special meal every day. She quickly became a regular visitor to Wiggle’s home, and the two soon became good friends.

Every day, Wiggle would look forward to her special meal from the shopkeeper, and the two would often sit together and chat while Wiggle enjoyed her food.

Wiggle had found her perfect home and was the happiest cat around. From that day onwards, Wiggle became an excellent shopkeeper and a great friend to the store owner.

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