Myths and World stories

Gods and Goddess


Myths and World Stories

The Greek and Roman gods insist upon proper respect from mortals. Therefore when mortals claim to be equal to the gods or have the audacity to set themselves up as more significant than the gods or act insolently towards them, this attracts instant retribution. There is no exact number of myths and world stories in the world, as new tales and stories are created all the time. Additionally, many stories have been passed down orally for generations, and the exact origin of some of these myths and stories is still being determined. Estimates suggest there could be as many as 10,000 different myths and world stories recorded and passed down over the centuries.

Fire and Holy Water

Myths & World Stories

The Tapestry of Humanity

Once upon a time, in a world filled with wonder and diversity, there lived a group of curious children named Maya, Ethan, and Aisha. They

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Myths & World Stories

The Sparkle of Creation

Once upon a time, in a land far beyond the clouds, there existed a magical realm known as Sparklehaven. This enchanting place was home to

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Myths & World Stories

The Dogon Creation Myth

At the beginning of time, the great creator god, Amma, created the world. First, he made the sun, the moon, the stars, the trees, the

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Myths & World Stories

The Legend of Abiku

Once upon a time, in a small Nigerian village, there lived a young boy named Abiku. He was a kind and gentle soul, but he

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Myths & World Stories

The Three Sisters

Once upon a time, in a world of magic and wonder, there lived three sisters. The eldest was brave and strong, the middle sister was

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Myths & World Stories

Lost City of Timbuktu

Many, many years ago, there was a great city called Timbuktu. It was a mysterious city nobody had ever seen, but everyone knew it existed. 

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Myths & World Stories

The Origin of Iron

In a faraway land lived a wondrous creature called the Iron Dragon. The Iron Dragon was an incredible creature that could make anything out of

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Myths & World Stories

The Arabian Nights

Once upon a time, a Sultan ruled over a beautiful kingdom in the Middle East. Every evening, the Sultan would order his servants to bring

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Myths & World Stories

The Man from Uz

Once upon a time, there was a man named Job who lived in a land far away. He was a very wise and kind man

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Myths & World Stories

The Popol Vuh

Once upon a time, a group of gods created the world. They made the sky, the land, the animals, and the humans. The gods were

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Myths & World Stories


Once upon a time, long ago, there lived a brave and noble warrior named Beowulf. He was a fearless man who always stood up for

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Myths & World Stories

The Giant of Asgard

A long time ago, a giant named Prose Edda lived in Asgard’s land.   He was a giant, but he was also wise. Prose Edda had

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Myths & World Stories

The Kalevala

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a great people known as the Kalevala. They were proud and brave people who lived

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Myths & World Stories

The Prose Edda

Long long ago, there was a great God named Odin. He was the ruler of Asgard and all the realms of the gods. He was

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Myths & World Stories

The Mabinogion

Once upon a time, a boy named Mabinogion lived in a magical kingdom. He was a brave and adventurous young boy who dreamed of becoming

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Myths & World Stories

The Tale of Genji

Once upon a time, in the long-ago land of Japan, there lived a noble prince named Genji. He was the son of an emperor, and

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Myths & World Stories

The Chanson de Roland

Once upon a time, there lived a brave knight named Roland. He was the most courageous and assertive knight in the kingdom. He was loyal

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Myths & World Stories

The Tao Te Ching

Once upon a time, there was a sacred book called the Tao Te Ching. It was filled with wise words that could help people find

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Myths & World Stories

The Legend of Mwindo

Once upon a time, a young boy named Mwindo lived in the village of Nyakalembe. He was a brave and adventurous child who always wanted

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Myths & World Stories

The Flying Africans

Long long ago, in a faraway land lived a tribe of African people known as the Flying Africans. This tribe was unique because they could

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Myths & World Stories

The Origin of Death

Long ago, when the world was still young, and the skies were filled with brilliant stars, Death did not exist. People lived peacefully, utterly unaware

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Myths & World Stories

The Greedy Python

Once upon a time, deep in the heart of the jungle, a giant python lived. The python was so big it could squeeze the trees

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Myths & World Stories

The Origin of Humankind

Once upon a time, there were no people on Earth at the beginning of time. So all the animals roamed the Earth in peace and

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Myths & World Stories

The Great Flood

Once upon a time, the world was beautiful, filled with love and life. But one day, something terrible happened – a great flood!  The skies

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Myths & World Stories

The Mahabharata

There was a kingdom called Hastinapur. In this kingdom, two groups of cousins lived the Pandavas and the Kauravas. The Pandavas were five brothers, Yudhishthira,

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Myths & World Stories

The Magic Drum

Long long ago, in a faraway land, there lived a magical drum. Every time it was played, something magical would happen.  One day, a young

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Myths & World Stories

The Ramayana

There was a beautiful kingdom called Ayodhya. In this kingdom lived a handsome prince, Rama, and his devoted wife, Sita. Rama and Sita lived happily

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Myths & World Stories

The Epic of Sundiata

Once upon a time, there was a noble king named Sundiata. He was born into a royal family of the Mali Empire in West Africa. 

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Myths & World Stories

The Iliad

Once upon a time, two brave warriors, Achilles and Hector, lived in Troy. Achilles and Hector were best friends and were both parts of the

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Myths & World Stories

The Odyssey

There was a brave and adventurous man named Odysseus. He lived in a small town on the island of Ithaca and was known for his

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Myths & World Stories

The Epic of Gilgamesh

Once upon a time, there was a king named Gilgamesh. He was very strong and brave, but he was also very proud. So he ruled

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Myths & World Stories

The King’s Magic Drum

Story, story? Story!  Once upon a time, a wealthy King named Onwa had a drum that produced tremendous wealth and food each time he beat

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Aphrodite, Roman name Venus, is the goddess of love who rose from the Seafoam. She is the wife of Hephaestus, the lame god of blacksmiths, but she has eyes for the god of war, Ares. The jealousy of Hephaestus made him throw a net over them when he found them together, and the gods ridiculed them. Aphrodite is associated with the island of Cyprus and plays a vital role in the story of Troy when Athena, Hera, and herself ask Paris, Prince of Troy, to declare who was the prettiest of them all the Prince chose Aphrodite. And as a reward, she gave him the love of Helen, who then was the most beautiful woman in the world and wife of king Menelaus. So Paris ran off to Troy with Helen, but the Greeks sent an army to get her back. -Ivrydbook

Ares, the Greek god of war, the Romans call him Mars. Ares was not a favorite god of the greeks but caught the eyes of Aphrodite. he is a big supporter of the Amazons – the warlike tribe of women. Aphrodite persuaded Ares to support the Trojans. Diomedes, the Greek hero, wounded him and sent him back to Zeus in pain in the battle. 

Athena. The god of wisdom. The patron goddess of the city of Athens, the Parthenon Temple, is dedicated to her. The Romans call her Minerva, and she has the owl as her messenger. Rumor had it that she sprang from her father’s head, Zeus. She favored Odysseus and appeared to him in many different forms as a mentor and friend. Athena was not declared the fairest of them all by the Trojan Prince Paris. She helped Odysseus out so many times on his journey home from Troy, and eventually, when he got home, he helped him disguise himself as an old beggar to save him from his enemies. She also allows Odysseus with his disguises, making him look like an old beggar when he returns home. The goddess Athena also saved the Greek hero Orestes and allowed him to take refuge in her temple. 

Artemis. Greek goddess of hunting known as Diana by the Romans. She loved her bow and arrow, and took a vow of chastity, and promised herself that she would never marry. She took the side of the Trojan war with her brother Apollo, and Artemis has no room for anyone who claims to be better than her in hunting. When King Agamemnon tried, he paid a high price for that boast by sacrificing Iphigenia, his daughter. When King Oeneus forgot to include Artemis in the harvest festival, she sent a Boar to destroy his lands. -Ivrydbook

Apollo. Sun god, god of music, prophesies and loves to play the harp. He is known to give healing and illnesses, like when he fired an arrow into the Greek camp that spread plaque among the soldiers, and he can transform himself into anything he wants. He loves to ride his chariots across the skies to light the world. He is the god of the Delphic oracle and the oracles on Delos’s island; some Greeks get advice from him regarding the future. -Ivrydbook

Dionysus. Roman name is Bacchus, the god of wine. He loves to ride on his chariot and lead a procession of wild animals and dancers. Dionysus helped Princess Ariadne rise to the stars after Theseus dumped her on the island of Naxos. He is associated with animal spirits, worshiped with wild woodland parties, and has followers, including satyrs. -Ivrydbook

Hades is the brother of Zeus and the god of the Underworld. He is associated with wealth. Some called him Pluto because they felt “Hades” as a name brought bad luck. With his other brothers, Zeus and Poseidon, he fought the Titans, and they won. Hades became the ruler of the Underworld, guarded by Cerberus, the three-headed dog along the entrance of River Styx in Northern Greece. Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, who he abducted, is his Queen.-Ivrydbook

Hephaestus. Roman name is Vulcan. He is the Greek god of fire and the blacksmiths and is not good-looking. Vulcan became lame after a family row when Zeus, King of the gods, threw him off Mount Olympus. His wife Aphrodite liked the god of war, Ares. Hephaestus threw his unbreakable golden net over Ares and Aphrodite one time, and the gods made a mockery of them. However, Hephaestus produced Zeus lighting bolts and designed excellent and good-looking locks. -Ivrydbook

Hermes. Messenger of the Greek gods. Roman name is Mercury. He is the protector of travelers, full of clever tricks, and the god of boundaries. He would usually present lies, seductive words, and a lousy character whenever the gods gave pandora gifts. Hermes flies with winged sandals, and in Homer’s epic poem, he alerted Odyssey and warned him that his companions had been turned into pigs by Circe, the witch, and helped give Odyssey some herbs to protect him from Circe, the witch. -Ivrydbook

Poseidon, god of the Sea, brother of Zeus and always holds his trident. Father of the Cyclops, Polyphemus, the one-eyed giant. Polyphemus captured Odysseus and his men as they returned from the Trojan war, ate a few of Odysseus’s men, and Odysseus blinded him. Odysseus had so much trouble sailing back home because of this singular act because Poseidon was Cyclops’ father, the god of the Sea. Poseidon sent storms and monsters like Scylla to kill his men and make their journey a torturous one. -Ivrydbook

Persephone is the wife of Hades, Queen of the Underworld, and associated with spring and crops. She is the daughter of Demeter, the harvest goddess. When Hades set his eyes on Persephone in the fields, he abducted her. Hades swooped Persephone into his golden chariot and took her straight to the Underworld. Demeter, her mother, was so angry that she covered the world with winter. The gods were not happy about it. So the gods arranged a deal where her daughter Persephone could spend part of the year with Demeter, her mother, and the rest in the Underworld with Hades, her husband. And every time Persephone goes back to the Underworld to spend time with Hades, the world becomes cold – winter. -Ivrydbook

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