Once upon a time, deep in the forests of the Niger River, there lived a magical water spirit. She was gentle, kind, and powerful, and she looked after the creatures of the river, ensuring they had enough to eat and drink. 

The water spirit was known far and wide, and the animals of the river all loved her. They would come to her to ask for help and advice, and she always knew the right thing to do. 

One day, a great drought came to the Niger River. So naturally, the water spirit was perturbed, and she worked day and night to ensure her friends had enough to eat and drink. 

But the drought kept getting worse, and soon no water was left in the river. The water spirit was so worried that she used all her magical powers to make it rain. 

The animals of the river cheered when the rain finally came. They thanked the water spirit for her kindness and generosity and vowed to permanently protect her and the river. 

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