A long time ago, deep in the heart of the African bush, there lived a leopard. The leopard was always on the hunt for food, but he was never quite able to catch anything. Then, one day, the leopard was hungry and determined to find food. 

Suddenly, he heard a chirping noise. The leopard looked around and saw a small bird, called a honey guide, chirping and flying around him. The honey guide seemed to be leading the leopard somewhere. The leopard followed the honeyguide, and eventually, the honeyguide led him to a bee hive in the tree. 

The honey guide had found the bee hive for the leopard! The leopard was so grateful that he thanked the honeyguide and decided to share the honey with him. Together, the leopard and the honeyguide feasted on the delicious honey. From that day on, they were the best of friends. 

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