Once upon a time, in the long-ago land of Japan, there lived a noble prince named Genji. He was the son of an emperor, and all loved him.  

Genji had a magical power that made him stand out from the other princes. He could see into the hearts of others and make them feel happy and content.  

One day, Genji decided to go on a journey to discover the world’s secrets. He traveled to many places, meeting people, seeing new things, and learning new skills.  

Genji soon found himself in a beautiful palace full of treasures. He was enchanted by the beauty of the palace and all the beautiful things it held. He was so delighted that he decided to stay there.  

Genji spent many happy days in the palace, exploring its wonders and making new friends. Then, one day, a mysterious stranger appeared and gave Genji a magical sword. With the sword, Genji could protect himself and the people he loved.  

Genji used the sword to help his friends and protect the palace from danger. As a result, he became a hero to the people of the palace, and they named him their prince.  

Genji lived a long and happy life in the palace. He was beloved by all, and his story is still told.  

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