The Magical Fruits and Vegetables

There was a magical land filled with lush green forests, beautiful meadows, and a crystal-clear river. But the most magical thing about this land was the magic fruits and vegetables that grew in abundance! 

The magical fruits and vegetables were unique because they gave the people of the land special magical powers. Eating fruits and vegetables gave them the strength and focus on achieving anything they put their minds to. 

One day, a little girl named Ola was walking through the magical land and came across a tree filled with magic fruits. She was so excited and couldn’t wait to try them. So she gathered a few of the fruits and took them home. 

When she arrived home, her mother warned her not to eat the fruits alone. She told Ola that she must eat fruits and vegetables with her meal to stay healthy and strong. Ola thanked her mother for the advice and agreed to follow it. 

From that day forward, Ola ate her fruits and vegetables with every meal. She quickly noticed how she had more energy and felt happier and healthier than ever. She even improved in school and became a better version of herself. 

The story’s moral is that eating fruits and vegetables is essential for good health and strength. Eating them will give you the energy and power to do anything. So make sure to eat your fruits and vegetables every day!

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