In a faraway galaxy lived a brave and beautiful goddess named Eriko, who had the power to fly. She lived on the beautiful planet of Fidor, home to many wondrous creatures and magical plants.
Eriko was a kind and gentle goddess who loved nothing more than to help others. One day, she heard a cry for help from the people of a distant planet called Enchor. They desperately needed her help, so she flew off to assist them.
On Anchor, Eriko encountered a terrible monster terrorizing the people for years. She used her magical powers to defeat the beast and save the people.
The people of Anchor were so grateful to Eriko for saving them that they decided to build her statue in the center of their planet. This statue was known as The Legend of the Flying Goddess.
The moral of this story is if you are brave and kind, you can do amazing things. Furthermore, the people of Anchor learned that you could achieve great things when you work together.