Once upon a time, a brave King named Arthur lived in a faraway land. He was the son of King Uther Pendragon, and he was destined for greatness. 

One day, Arthur and his friends were out hunting in the forest when they stumbled across an enormous, mysterious, magical sword stuck in a stone. Arthur was the only one brave enough to pull it out, and when he did, he became the kingdom’s rightful ruler. 

He quickly proved himself to be a wise and just king and surrounded himself with the bravest and most noble knights in the land. Together, these knights were known as the Knights of the Round Table. 

Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table fought many battles, but one of their most fantastic adventures was the quest to find the magical Holy Grail. Finally, after many trials and tribulations, they found the holy grail and returned it to the kingdom. 

This story of King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table, and the quest for the Holy Grail is one of the most beloved and endearing tales of all time. 

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