There was a lazy little bear named Max. He lived in the woods with his family of bears. Max was very lazy and never wanted to do anything. He would rather sleep all day and play all night.   

One day, his family decided to go fishing. Max didn’t want to go, but his parents insisted. Max was so lazy when they arrived at the lake that he couldn’t even be bothered to cast his line. Instead, he just sat on the dock and watched his family fish. 

Suddenly, a giant fish swam to the dock, asking Max for help. Max was surprised but still couldn’t be bothered to do anything. The fish then explained that it had been caught in a net and desperately needed help. 

Max finally mustered up the courage to help the fish. He was able to cut the net and free the fish. As it swam away, the fish thanked Max and said, “Thank you for helping me. You may not realize it, but by helping me, you helped yourself too.”  

Max finally realized that if he put in a little effort, he could do great things. So from that day forward, he was no longer lazy and instead worked hard and helped others whenever possible.  

Moral of the story: A little effort goes a long way.

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