Once upon a time, the sun god Ra was on a journey to find the light and bring it to the world. So he traveled through the sky, searching and hoping to see the light that would bring warmth and life to the land. 

The journey was long and arduous, and Ra encountered many obstacles. He encountered storms, darkness, and creatures determined to keep the light away. 

But Ra was determined. He kept going, determined to find the light and bring it to the world. Finally, after much searching and struggle, he eventually found it. It was a small, shining light that had been hidden away in the depths of the sky. 

Ra brought light to the world and shone brightly in the sky, bringing life and warmth to the land. People rejoiced at the sight of it and thanked Ra for his journey and the light he brought. 

Moral of the Story: Determination and perseverance are the keys to achieving goals. 

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