Aka’s dreams of the magical world of Ozlia had always been confusing, but he never told anyone, afraid they’d think he was mad. In his dreams, animals could talk, and oceans could dance – it was a world of enchantment. 

But then, one day, an unexpected pandemic hit, taking out two thousand citizens in one day, including Aka’s two best friends’ parents. The three were evacuated to the countryside to keep themselves safe, where days of boredom soon set in. 

Until one day, Aka and his buddies decided to play hide and seek, leading them to Ozlia! It was the magical world of Aka’s dreams! Unfortunately, they found that the land was war-torn, but with the help of Afora, the talking lion and King of the Lions, they joined the quest to restore the throne to the rightful heirs. 

The battle was long and intense, but they eventually won and returned the throne to the rightful bloodline. Aka, Maddy, and Edwine didn’t want to return home, and the new King of Ozlia welcomed them with open arms, allowing them to stay in the magical world of Ozlia forever! They all lived happily ever after in their enchanted kingdom, creating new friendships and magical adventures.

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