Once upon a time, four adorable ducks – Daisy, Daffodil, Ducky, and Dandelion – lived together in a pond near a small village. Daisy, the oldest duck, was eight, while Daffodil, the second oldest, was six. Ducky and Dandelion, the youngest ducks, were both four years old. 

One day, Daisy, Daffodil, and Ducky decided to go on an adventure. So they swam out of their pond and began to explore the terrain around the village. After a while, they noticed a mysterious forest in the distance. The three ducks were excited and decided to investigate. 

Dandelion, who had been left at home, became aware of the other ducks’ plans and decided to join them. Dandelion was the fastest swimmer, so he quickly caught up with the other ducks. All four ducks were now on the same adventure. 

The four ducks swam into the forest, eager to see what it had to offer. But, as they ventured further, it became dark, and they could no longer find their way out. They were scared and didn’t know what to do. 

Suddenly, the four ducks heard a loud noise and saw a bright light in the distance. It was a human who had come to the forest to hunt. The ducks were terrified and ran away as fast as they could. 

After running and swimming, the four ducks eventually left the forest. They felt relieved and were happy that they had escaped the danger. 

The four ducks learned the importance of cooperation and teamwork. They knew that if they had not worked together, they would not have been able to make it out of the forest. 

The four ducks swam happily back home to their pond. They were happy to be reunited with their family and friends. 

The story’s moral is that cooperation and teamwork are essential for success. The four ducks of harmony worked together and overcame their challenges.

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