There lived a princess who was not afraid of anything. She loved exploring the kingdom and would often venture out alone. One day, she heard tales of an old castle deep in the woods. She was so curious she decided to explore it. 

She ventured deep into the dark and spooky woods and eventually found a large castle. She was amazed by its towering turrets and mysterious aura. She decided to go inside. As soon as she stepped inside, a giant dragon appeared in front of her. 

The dragon bellowed smoke and fire and seemed ready to attack. The fearless princess was not scared, though. She stood her ground and stared the dragon in the eyes. The dragon was so intimidated it flew away and never came back. 

The princess explored the castle and found many treasures, including a magical cloak that made her invisible. She brought the cover back to the kingdom and used it to save her people from danger many times. 

Moral of the Story: Fearlessness can bring great rewards.

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