There was a brave little turtle named Toby. Every day, Toby would remind himself that he was solid and capable of anything he put his mind to. He would visualize himself achieving his goals and never gave up on his dreams. 

One day, Toby found himself in a tricky situation. He was stuck in a deep hole and feeling very scared. Toby tried to climb out, but the walls were too slippery. After a while, he stopped trying and just sat there, feeling defeated. 

Suddenly, Toby heard a voice: “You can do it, Toby! Believe in yourself and keep trying. You are brave and strong and can do anything you put your mind to!” Toby looked up and saw a beautiful butterfly fluttering above him. Toby was filled with courage and determination, and he began to climb. 

With all his might, Toby finally made it out of the hole and into the sunshine. Toby felt so proud of himself and knew he could do anything if he kept believing in himself. 

Remember, no matter how hard things get; you can be brave like Toby and achieve your goals!

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