In rabbit-land, standard rules do not hold water. “Drink me,” Ruby the rabbit drank and shrank. “Eat me,” Ruby, the rabbit, ate and grew into a giant. This is the story of a brilliant rabbit, Ruby, lost in a confusing world of curiosity.

Ruby felt bored and drowsy while sitting with her elder sister on the riverbank. Suddenly, Ruby notices a talking frog clothed in white and holding a pocket watch when the frog runs past her. Ruby follows the frog but unfortunately falls into a rabbit hole, with a curious hall with many locked doors of all sizes. Finally, Ruby finds a tiny key to a door that is too small for her to fit through. But she peeped and saw a beautiful orange garden filled with carrots labeled “Eat me.” The carrots look delicious and very colorful. Restless, Ruby wanted to taste those carrots so severely and would not stop searching for the keys that opened the door to the enchanting garden.

At last, he found the keys hidden in a tabletop drawer. He opened the door, rushed into the garden, and grabbed a carrot the garden labeled “eat me,” Ruby, the rabbit, ate the carrots. The carrots transformed Ruby to grow enormous into a giant bear. Ruby was so unhappy with the results that she cried tears that flooded the hallway and swept birds away who tried to come to her rescue because of the rising water. “Story of my life’, Ruby cried. “Sometimes we have to look before we leap because things are not always as they seem,” said Ruby.



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