“These little things you deny me, see how little it is, yet you deny me.” – Don Ducheo.

The tiny things in life sometimes matter the most. Kids love cupcakes, eat out, snack on those fast foods, and eat every cookie within reach, which is not bad. But, do you know that you can make them yourself too? Learning to cook sometimes seems tedious and overwhelming; as a result, we pay less attention to the “how-to” cook and forget that someday, as kids, we will become of age and crave some of those home cooking. Maybe we now live far away from mum and dad as grown-ups, so having our favorite foods and snacks becomes impossible.

Moreover, do you know how to cook empowers you to be the officer in charge of your stomach? You will eat whatever you want and prepare precisely as you crave by being creative with your cooking and ideas. Knowing will also save your parents a lot of money in the long run, especially to buy you that favorite, gorgeous, and fun toy.

So now, little one, would you like to be the officer in charge of your stomach? Would you love to help mum and dad sometimes prepare all the good stuff in the kitchen during thanksgiving and on special occasions? Would you love to be creative and make your food sometimes by yourself? 

My name is Ivry. My friends and I will take you into the fun and gracious lifestyle of cooking and preparing your favorite foods, drinks, and smoothies in the quickest and easiest ways. Yes, you heard me, the fastest and easiest ways available. In my cuisine, we make cooking fun and exciting. Also, I am confident that being a part of Ivry’s Cuisine will make you love to cook and make your favorite drinks stylishly on your terms.

Practice makes perfect! Like they say. So hop on the train, and let’s make some fun stuff. ” Bon appetit.”



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