A long time ago, in a land far away, there was a beautiful goddess named Rain. She lived high up in the clouds, and every time she saw the world below her, she felt her heart fill with joy. Rain loved nothing more than bringing happiness to the people below by making it Rain.

One day, Rain decided to visit the earth and make new friends. As she flew down from the sky, she saw children playing in a nearby field. Rain approached them, and they were amazed by her beauty and kindness. She asked the children if they would like to play with her, and they eagerly agreed.

Rain played games with the children, and they told her stories about their lives and adventures. The children loved spending time with Rain, and they laughed and smiled together all day.

As the day ended, Rain knew it was time for her to return to the clouds. She hugged each child goodbye and promised to revisit them soon. The children were sad to see her go but knew she would always watch over them and make it rain to help their crops grow.

From that day on, whenever it rained, the children knew that Rain was smiling down at them from above, and they felt her love and kindness in every drop.

The story’s moral is that even the smallest act of kindness, like making it Rain, can bring joy and happiness to those around us. We should always try to bring happiness and love to others, just like Rain did.

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