Once upon a time, there lived a fast-talking little duck named Quack and a silly big-hearted dog named Spot. Quack and Spot were best friends and would often go on adventures together. 

One day, Quack and Spot decided to travel to the local market. On the way, they came across a sign that read “No Price for Friendship.” This puzzled Quack and Spot, as they had no idea what it meant. 

At the market, Quack and Spot asked the various vendors what was so special about Friendship that it could not be sold or bought. Everyone had a different answer. One vendor said that Friendship was priceless and could not be measured by money, while another said that Friendship was something that should not be taken for granted. 

Finally, Quack and Spot reached the last vendor. He said, “Friendship is something that is always there, no matter what. Even if you don’t have money, Friendship will help you get through tough times. It’s one of the greatest gift you can give someone.” 

Quack and Spot thought about what he said and decided to go home without buying anything. On the way home, Quack said, “Spot, I’m so glad that we have each other.” Spot smiled and said, “Me too, Quack! No price for Friendship!” 

Moral of the Story: Friendship is the greatest gift you can give someone, and it is something that money cannot buy. 

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