Once upon a time, a young boy named Little Johnny was always getting into trouble. Johnny was always up to no good, and his parents always scolded him. Then, one day, Little Johnny decided he had had enough and ran away from home.   

He packed his bag with food and clothes and embarked on an adventure. He traveled for days until he finally reached a small town. He decided to stay there for a while and explore the area. He made some new friends, and soon he was having the time of his life.   

One day, Little Johnny was walking around the town when he stumbled across a mysterious cave. He decided to go inside and explore it. He soon found himself in a magical world filled with strange creatures and amazing sights.   

Little Johnny soon realized he had stumbled across a world full of adventure and excitement. So he decided to stay and explore the mysterious world he had discovered. He made many friends and had the time of his life.   

After a few weeks, Little Johnny’s parents noticed he was gone and went looking for him. They eventually found him in the magical world he had discovered and were delighted to take him home. Little Johnny had learned an important lesson from his adventure and promised to be a better boy from then on.   

Moral of the Story:

You can always turn things around no matter how much trouble you get into. 

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