Ivry was only five years old but already had a passion for baking. She especially loved making cupcakes and was very proud when people said they tasted as good as they looked. 

Ivry spent hours daily in her play kitchen, mixing cake batter, adding sprinkles and other decorations, and baking cupcakes to perfection. She loved the way the smell of the cupcakes filled her little kitchen and made her whole house smell delicious. 

One day, Ivry decided to take her baking to the next level. She went to the store with her dad and bought colorful decorations, including sprinkles, fondant, and edible glitter. She also got some molds and cookie cutters to make even more creative designs. 

When she got home, Ivry spent the entire day decorating cupcakes. She made stars, hearts, and even a few dinosaur-shaped cupcakes. They were so cute that her parents couldn’t help but take pictures of them. 

Soon, Ivry’s friends and family started asking to buy her cupcakes. She happily obliged and began selling them at community events and fairs. Everyone was amazed at how creative and delicious her cupcakes were, and many people made sure to come back for more.  

Ivry was so proud of her accomplishments. She had taken something she loved and made it into a successful business. Ivry continued to refine her baking skills and expand her company as she grew older. Now, she is well-known in her community for her delicious and creative cupcakes.

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