Once upon a time, there lived a giraffe named Gilbert. Gilbert was like other giraffes in the savannah, but he had one difference—his neck was longer than the others. Due to this, the other animals made fun of him, and Gilbert often felt lonely and sad.  

One day, Gilbert decided to go for a walk in the savannah. The animals of the savannah greeted him, and the animals asked him why he had such a long neck. Gilbert told them he didn’t know why, but he wished he could make it shorter to fit in with the other animals.  

Gilbert’s story touched the savannah’s animals, and they decided to help him. They gathered around him and stretched their necks as far as possible. As they did this, Gilbert’s neck began to shrink; soon enough, it was the same size as the other animals!  

The animals were so happy for Gilbert, and they all became great friends. From then on, Gilbert was no longer alone, and the other animals of the savannah finally accepted him.  

The Story’s moral is that it is okay to be different. 

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