The Tale of Genji

Once upon a time, in the long-ago land of Japan, there lived a noble prince named Genji. He was the son of an emperor, and all loved him.   Genji had a magical power that made him stand out from the other princes. He could see into the hearts of others and make them feel happy […]

The Chanson de Roland

Once upon a time, there lived a brave knight named Roland. He was the most courageous and assertive knight in the kingdom. He was loyal to his king and always willing to protect him.  One day, Roland was sent to battle against the Saracens. He fought bravely and defeated the enemies. But when Roland and […]

The Tao Te Ching

Once upon a time, there was a sacred book called the Tao Te Ching. It was filled with wise words that could help people find balance.   The first page of the Tao Te Ching was filled with symbols of peace and harmony. The symbols formed an intricate pattern of swirling lines and shapes, creating balance […]

The Legend of Mwindo

Once upon a time, a young boy named Mwindo lived in the village of Nyakalembe. He was a brave and adventurous child who always wanted to do something special.  One day, Mwindo decided to go exploring in the jungle. And never knew he would soon embark on a fantastic adventure to save his village from […]

The Flying Africans

Long long ago, in a faraway land lived a tribe of African people known as the Flying Africans. This tribe was unique because they could fly! They would soar through the sky every day, high above the clouds. They flew over Africa’s plains, rivers, and mountains, marveling at its beauty. One day, the Flying Africans […]

The Origin of Death

Long ago, when the world was still young, and the skies were filled with brilliant stars, Death did not exist. People lived peacefully, utterly unaware of the concept of Death.  One day, a powerful being known as the Creator looked down from the stars and noticed that the world was growing too crowded. The Creator […]

The Greedy Python

Once upon a time, deep in the heart of the jungle, a giant python lived. The python was so big it could squeeze the trees of the wilderness into submission.  One day, the python was feeling particularly hungry. So it slithered through the jungle and came upon a small village. The python was so powerful […]

The Origin of Humankind

Once upon a time, there were no people on Earth at the beginning of time. So all the animals roamed the Earth in peace and harmony.  One day, the gods of the sky decided to create a special kind of animal that could think and reason. So they made the first human being. They named […]

The Tale of the Monster Python

Once upon a time, deep in the jungle, lived a giant python. He was so big and powerful that he could be seen from miles away. Every day he would slither around the jungle, eating whatever he pleased. The jungle animals were terrified of the Monster Python and stayed far away from him. One day, […]

Anansi The Mischievous Spider

Once upon a time, there lived a mischievous spider named Anansi. Anansi was full of tricks and schemes and loved playing pranks on everyone he met.  One day, Anansi decided to challenge Nyame, the Sky God. Anansi asked Nyame to give him all the wisdom in the world. Nyame was so surprised by Anansi’s boldness […]

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