All Things Are Still Possible

“All that ends well is still good!”-Ivrydbook. All things are still possible to those that believe. I am the future. So please, Lord, help me build a nation and a world where everyone is welcome and no kid is left behind.

No Matter What Color I Am

Odd puzzles still fit in no matter what shape or color we are. I am an artwork in the beautiful palms of creation. Like the rainbow, I am one of the circular bands reflecting oneness and complimenting others. I may be the odd one, but irregular shapes and colors still make the puzzle complete in […]

Receiving the piece of the puzzle

Receiving the puzzle, piece -by piece, can happen on a moment-to-moment basis. And if life is a race, please hold my hands, so I do not run in vain. Guide my feet to stay on the tracks, and stand by me, so I do not run in vain.

Something In The Rays

I can still see a rainbow after the storm, and the colors of the blazing sun go up and down. So there is more to life than focusing only on challenges.  I will focus on smelling roses and sunflowers I will focus on gratitude in all things I will pray for myself more I will […]

Something Bigger Than Me

Tom prayed a lot. What he could not talk to others about, he prayed about.  When his friends in his quiet corner mistreated him, he prayed for them. Tom prayed when he was happy; he prayed when he was sad. Tom prayed when he was hopeful, scared, confused, and lonely. Tom always made out quality […]

Child Of the Universe, God’s Beloved

I am a child of the Universe; I am God’s beloved! Kinky hair or straight hair, I am God’s beloved God painted black, white, yellow, caramel, or red, giving me a unique color and hair texture. I will appreciate my God-given gifts. I will be kind to myself and to all who need it. I […]

Love Starts With Me

I love my daddy, and my daddy loves me.  I love my mummy, and my mummy loves me. So God bless my mum, my dad, and me too.

Lamp on the hilltop.

Omah as a kid, believed he could become all things.  He saw himself as a beautiful caterpillar who would be a colorful butterfly someday and fly in the skies.  Omah wished he was a whale to roam the sea at will.  He dreamt of being a tugboat so he could pull big ships out of […]

Invisible me

I am a good kid, and my name is John. John is a happy child; he is intelligent, quiet, social, and calculative. However, he had difficulty in school because no one saw Jose except he acted up or did wrong. No one talks to him until he gets in trouble.   No one listens to him […]

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