Check nutrition facts and labels when food shopping for your kids—endeavor to choose low-saturated fat foods, sodium, and sugar. Let your child help prepare meals to see the best practices of healthy meal preparations. And it is cute to have the whole family eat together. Aim to make your kids’ food half vegetables and fruits. Encourage fruits, vegetables, and whole grains as snacks—swap candies with carrot sticks, apples, or a rainbow of delicious fruits. When you go to restaurants, make healthy food choices before your kids. Kids are visual and remember what they see. You are a good role model for making healthy food choices before your kids.

Talk to your kids about the dangers of obesity, the alarming rates, and the health issues associated with it. Obesity can be avoided if we have the discipline to eat right. Remember, obese kids are more likely to become obese adults, putting them at even greater risk for weight-related diseases. Balance your child’s calories from drinks, foods, and snacks. Moreover, promoting healthy food choices for a kid is an excellent service for helping them maintain their health and wellness. And promoting healthy and balanced eating habits in kids for life starts with your grocery shopping list for the whole family. -Ivrydbook

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