Some kids learn best hands-on, some by listening, some by reading and writing, some by doing, and others by looking at visuals. Hands-on learning is a more engaging way to learn, can result in the physical creation, and help increase retention. Call it the new trend, if you will, but when kids focus on doing something, they actively create knowledge and engage in active learning.

Parents can encourage and challenge their kids’ learning by doing and going a step further to share this priority with their child’s teacher, learning through a cute way to engage a child. And who knows, they may become child entrepreneurs baking those cupcakes, having lemonade stands, organizing and decorating those birthday halls for their friends for family and friends’ parties, and charging them for services provided.

Please do your best to train a kid early hands-on in how they should go, for when they grow up; they will not depart from it. 

Every kid has a learning style. So what is your kid’s superpower style of learning? -Ivrydbook

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