“This little thing you deny me, see how little it is, and yet you deny me.” -Don Ducheo.


Once upon a time, a young boy named Jack lived in a small village with his parents. Jack was a curious and energetic child who loved to explore and learn new things. 

One day, Jack’s parents decided to take a trip and asked the village to look after Jack while they were away. The town was happy to lend a helping hand, and the whole village worked together to ensure Jack was taken care of. 

The city worked together to make sure Jack was never bored. Each day, the village elders would take Jack for a walk in the countryside so he could explore and learn about nature. 

The village women taught Jack how to cook and bake, while the village children taught him how to play games. Everyone in the village chipped in to ensure Jack was having a great time while his parents were away. 

When Jack’s parents returned at the end of the week, they were pleased to find their son happy and safe. They thanked the village for all their help, and the town celebrated their hard work. 

Moral of the Story It takes a village to raise a child. A little positive push from you will help guide a kid in the right direction to go above and beyond, dream, and live their dreams. It takes a village to raise a kid, and dear community, you are that village!

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