A long time ago, a giant named Prose Edda lived in Asgard’s land.
He was a giant, but he was also wise. Prose Edda had a magical book in which he kept all his knowledge. However, he kept it a secret, so no one else knew.
One day, Prose Edda was walking through the forest and saw a little bird on the ground. It had fallen out of its nest and was too small to fly. Prose Edda wanted to help the little bird, so he picked it up and put it back in its nest.
The little bird was so grateful it flew away and told all the other birds in the forest about Prose Edda’s kindness. Soon all the creatures of the forest, from a minor bug to the giant bear, knew about Prose Edda’s generosity.
Word spread quickly about Prose Edda; soon, everyone in Asgard knew about the giant’s kind heart. So they decided to make him their leader and gave him the magical book as a symbol of their trust.
From that day forward, Prose Edda was the leader of Asgard, and the magical book became known as The Prose Edda.