Once upon a time, in a place beyond our wildest imaginations, there lived a powerful being named Olu. Olu was the creator of the universe. However, he was wise and planned to create something unique and beautiful. 

Olu worked hard, using all his power and creativity to create something out of nothing. He thought deeply and carefully and used his magical powers to make the stars, planets, galaxies, and all the creatures that inhabit them. 

Olu was proud of his work, but he knew that the universe needed something special to bring it to life. So, he created two unique beings named Zul and Zala. Zul and Zala were filled with joy and love, and they spread their happiness throughout the universe. 

The moral of this story is that creativity and love can create something beautiful and magical. It also reminds us that we should be proud of our accomplishments and share our joy with others. 

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