Once upon a time, in a world of magic and wonder, there lived three sisters. The eldest was brave and strong, the middle sister was wise, and the youngest was kind and curious.   

One day, the three sisters decided to go on an adventure. So they packed some supplies and set off into the unknown. 

The first thing they encountered was a deep, dark forest. The brave eldest sister bravely led the way, while the middle sister used her wisdom to figure out the best path through the dense trees. The youngest sister followed close behind, her curiosity leading her to explore the strange creatures and plants they found. 

Soon, they came to a wide-open field where a huge castle stood. The brave eldest sister stepped forward, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. But the wise middle sister knew this castle was not what it seemed, and she advised caution. The youngest sister, full of curiosity, wanted to explore the court, but the other two sisters persuaded her to stay behind. 

The sisters continued their adventure, and soon they reached a great mountain. The wise middle sister led the way this time, finding the safest path up the cliffs. The brave eldest sister followed close behind, helping the youngest sister, who was scared of heights. 

When they reached the top of the mountain, they found a beautiful lake with a small boat in the middle. The kind and curious youngest sister was so excited – she wanted to go in the boat. But the other two sisters warned her to be careful. 

The three sisters climbed into the boat and set off across the lake. Suddenly, the ship stopped, and a whirling fog surrounded the sisters. The eldest sister bravely stepped forward and, using her strength, fought off the moisture and revealed a hidden castle. 

The sisters entered the castle and found a beautiful garden. The wise middle sister used her knowledge to figure out what plants were safe to touch, while the youngest sister explored the park with curiosity. 

Eventually, the three sisters reached the center of the garden, where they found a magical fountain. The fountain was full of glowing water, and when the three sisters touched it, their wishes were granted. 

The brave eldest sister wished for strength, the wise middle sister wished for wisdom, and the kind and curious youngest sister wished for courage. 

The Three Sisters had an incredible adventure, and they were pleased. 


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