Fairy Tale / Folktales

The Brave DragonThe Brave Dragon

The Brave Dragon

Once upon a time, there lived a brave dragon who was always willing to help those in need. One day,…

2 years ago
No price tag for great friendshipNo price tag for great friendship

No price tag for great friendship

There was a livestock pig named Snooty. Snooty was a friendly pig who enjoyed the company of humans but was…

3 years ago
That rabbit holeThat rabbit hole

That rabbit hole

In rabbit-land, standard rules do not hold water. "Drink me," Ruby the rabbit drank and shrank. "Eat me," Ruby, the…

3 years ago
The game of hide and seekThe game of hide and seek

The game of hide and seek

Aka always dreamed about the amazing magical world of Ozlia, where he saw himself as a grand general in the…

3 years ago
Akwaeke The Picky MaidenAkwaeke The Picky Maiden

Akwaeke The Picky Maiden

Story, story? Story! "Akwaeke the picky maiden" is the story of a beautiful maiden who married a skull. Akwaeke means…

3 years ago