Story, story? Story!

“Akwaeke the picky maiden” is the story of a beautiful maiden who married a skull. Akwaeke means the python’s egg. She was so beautiful, expressive, cheerful, and very friendly. Her beauty attracted so many suitors from all the neighboring towns and villages. However, Akwaeke allowed her beauty to get into her head; the beautiful maiden became prideful, arrogant, bossy, and picky. She was great at rejecting her suitors. ” I am so sorry, dad; he is not intelligent enough, he is not tall enough, short enough, not classy at all, or rich enough.”

Akwaeke was an expert in making excuses and always complained about her suitors not being good enough for her. Finally, everyone got fed up with her complaints and picky nature and decided to let her be until she was ready. The story about Akwaeke and her fussy behavior spread and became news in both the living and the dead world. A spirit in the underworld heard the news and decided to try his luck. Determined to marry Akwaeke, he borrowed body parts and rich robes; after he pieced it all together, he became extraordinarily handsome and looked very wealthy.

Akwaeke, the beautiful maiden, fell in with Skull instantly when she set her eyes on him and accepted Skull’s when he proposed. The marriage rites were conducted without delay, and Skull took Akwaeke to the spirit world. However, Akwaeke could not believe it when Skull started giving back the borrowed parts to everyone. She was terrified, but unfortunately, it was too late for her to go home. Skull’s appearance traumatized Akwaeke because he was a skeleton- all bones.

Seeing her situation was hopeless and non of her family members would find her, Akwaeke devised a plan to escape by all means. She became humble and very friendly with the people of the underworld. Akwaeke’s kindness earned her compassion and mercy from the people of the underworld, and they helped her escape and magically returned her to her parents.

Skull could not return to find his wife because everyone refused to loan him their body parts. Skull swore retaliation, but the underworld people were not interested in his threats. Instead, they were happy Akwaeke was home and safe with her parents. Akwaekes parents did their best to help their daughter fully recover from the trauma. Akwaeke recovered and became humble and very kind. She married her childhood friend Eke, and they lived happily ever after.


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